Serving N. Surrey

and adjacent areas

Customer Assistance

24 x 7 x 365


08:00 - 20:00, 7 days

01276 919 949

Call us now

What's Included

All this is included in your service for one fixed and predictable price.


A vehicle suited to your needs, in your possession and dedicated to you.

Servicing & Repairs

When maintenance is needed, we'll drop you a courtesy car and get it done. No organising - we'll do it all.


When that time of year comes, we'll get it through whatever is needed.


We pay the road tax, too. We'll make sure it's always taxed.


If you should break down, we'll be there to help, 24 x 7 x 365, and get you a replacement car.

Backup Car

There's always a backup car available, should yours be undriveable. You'll always be on the road.
